It’s summer and we are cruising on the road, when we saw a little abandoned house …
Few meters in the nettles, some mosquitoes, we hope that there is no snake, and walk in what appears to be an old farmhouse. Thieves and thugs of all kinds have already gone, but there are still small things to see and photograph.

Starting with a workshop, with its old established wooden, vices of the same materials. Here and there small wooden storage boxes, a huge closet steel … All in a veranda overlooking the nature, a place that makes you want to tinker!

Old tools lying around, some still stored, pending a hypothetical user ..

Then we go into the next room, another workshop was intended to maintain agricultural equipment. The arrangements are bigger, a milling machine is gathering dust …

And small equipment gathering dust surrounded by cans of all kinds.

We will try the abandoned house, but everything is very tightly closed. We will therefore dependencies for this address. Other places just waiting for us and we’ll be late for the rest of the journey …
I take this poster to remind you that I would be accredited press photographer for the Bol d’Or Classic in September 2013. So I would see the bikes that made the joy of contemporary poster.